*now which choir looks more likely to have sung this song?I'm sure you all remember and maybe still be a big fan of D.A.N.C.E by Justice. Well I recently discovered a song that a lot of uniformed bloggers were saying was a new song leaked by Justice. They later learned that they made a big mistake. The song, even though some say it very much resembles D.A.N.C.E (which is true) is still really damn good, a soulful electro, deep bass line, makes it a song that worth having for that dance party, even if they did jack justice's sound...

Nonetheless, you don't see the millions of indie or pop groups complaining over nearly identical songs (or if they do we don't listen)....so I dunno, its pretty damn close but hell, Justice hasn't had a new song in forever, so I'll take what I can get.
The song "Stand on the Word" is performed by Celestial Choir and is full of religious rigamaroo and mixed by
Get on this hot gem,